Push Notifications on CPC have arrived! 🎯

We have some great news to share Today! We just launched CPC bidding in the Wiget platform for all your Push ads. Paying per click will make your campaigns even more performance driven and efficient, and put more money in your pocket! 

What makes Push Notifications so unique?

They let you reach the users in a super native fashion and get their full attention, avoiding banner blindness completely. It’s also a terrific way to promote time limited offers, and hence have a high call to action ratio. In other words, they are a great way to drive performance.

How to succeed with Push Notifications

  1. Make sure to have a short and catchy title with words that create urgency, such as “reminder”, “quick”, “offer”, “breaking”, “save”, etc. 
  2. Use images that are visual and eye catching.
  3. You can get higher conversion rates if you have a maximum of 24 characters.
  4. Match your image with your message. Emojis also work great!
  5. Test, test, and test even more! Set up rotations and A/B test images, text, and offers.

See some examples of images below:


If you have any further questions about bidding on CPC make sure to contact your Account Manager or send an email to 


Let’s get those campaigns converting! 

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