To add funds to your account, you first need to login to your account. Then click on the Finance tab in the menu to the left. You will now need to fill in your Billing information (First name, Last name, Address, Zip code, City, Country and the Currency).
Note: If you have a company then you will need to write the Organization number. The VAT field is for companies within EU.
Supported payment methods:
If you’re an advertising partner with a Wiget Media account, the following payment options are available:
- Credit Card (Visa & Mastecard)
- Bank Wire
Now it’s time to make your first deposit. Select Bank Wire or Credit card.
For credit card payments the limit is 15 000 USD and with Bank wires it is unlimited. If you have a voucher code, you can enter the details here. If you select Bank wire, add the amount you want to deposit and click Submit.
On the next screen you will see Wiget Medias bank details where you can wire the funds. When we receive the wire, the funds will be added to your account. If you select credit card, add the amount you want to deposit and click the button.
Go to the credit card payment page. You will be then redirected to a secure external payment gateway which will confirm and process your payment.