There are 2 sections where you can set a specific bid for a specific source:
- in the traffic sources view in dashboard.
- while editing or creating a campaign.
In the traffic sources view in dashboard
To access the traffic sources view in dashboard you can click on Traffic Sources from within a campaign. You can then edit the bids by clicking on them. The bids you enter are then saved automatically.
You can also batch edit them by checking the boxes on multiple campaigns and clicking on Batch Edit next to the date picker. Remember to select CPM as the field you want to edit.
Another way to reach the traffic source view is by clicking the optimize button on the campaign from within any campaign list.
While editing or creating a campaign
While editing or creating a campaign navigate to the Bids tab then click on Advanced. You can then edit the bids by clicking on them. If you are creating a new campaign and have yet to select any traffic source in the Traffic Sources tab, you will not see any traffic source in this tab. The changes you do to bids in this view will not apply until you click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.